Friday, March 18, 2011

<---ORDERING A COPY OF - "I ALMOST GAVE UP!" - DONT HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT? Pay with your Debit or Credit Card as a PayPal Guest.

SORRY FOR THE INCONVIENCE: It seems that some of you are having difficulty ordering your copy of my Novel - I ALMOST GAVE UP. Thanks for your support in Helping me beat "The 30 Day Book Challenge!" - 2500 Books Sold Online in 30 Days! Here are the steps:

When you go to my website: Click on the BUY NOW button. It will take you to the purchase page. On the right hand side you will see the Payment options. If you don't want to pay with or don't have a PayPal Account, look underneath that link. There is a link that says: DONT HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT? Pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal Guest. Click on that and it shall let you purchase the book.

Remember, you have to enter an email address so they can send you your receipt. If the email address that you use is associated with your paypal account, it will ask you to log in to Paypal.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for the SUPPORT in advance! Please let me know if this helps. Until my keyboard clicks on again - Peace!

"The Dream Guy"
Author / Talk Show Host / Poet

Autograph my book(s) to:

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