Monday, February 10, 2014

MONEY AIN'T EVERYTHANG! (Don't Let Money Be Your Motivation)

I was reading an article about Mr. Nguyen, the creator of the game "Flappy Birds" and his decision to take the game off of the market. Some reports say that the game was making the creator as much as $50,0000 A DAY! He stated that he decided to stop selling the game, because he "couldn't take it anymore" and he wanted his "simple life" back. How many times have we wished, dreamed and hoped that we could hit the lottery or get a 6 figure job or sell a Million Books (well, maybe that's just my dream - lol). Yes, all of these things would be nice, but none of these things can truly make you happy. As in the case of the "Flappy Birds" creator, it's just another reminder to us all, who are in the "pursuit of our happiness", whatever that pursit is, that MONEY CAN'T BUY YOU HAPPINESS. Happiness is a choice and it is not contingent on dollar signs. So I challenge myself and all who read these words - "Don't let MONEY, be your MOTIVATION!". At least, that's the way that I see it - but who knows, maybe it's just me! ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY!

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