Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I heard somebody say once, "It is easy to work for someone else, because all you have to do is just show up". However, working for your self is like climbing a mountain with dental floss (Okay, maybe it's not that difficult) but it is no small feat. Becoming an entrepreneur is probably among the hardest and bravest decisions that you will ever have to make. It's something about, "stepping out on faith" and following your dreams that is as scary, as it is uncertain.

But, when you do take that step of faith, it is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences that you will ever encounter - there is no business, like your own business. Don’t get me wrong, owning and operating your own business is very hard work - but it's a different kind of hard work - which makes it not seem like work at all. Imagine the thrill of seeing something that you envisioned, become a living, breathing, operating, thriving and prosperous entity - OH WHAT A RUSH!

Minding your own business is a 24-hour job, there are no vacations, you are the boss and the employee, it's a constant work in progress and getting people to support and sow seeds into that business - NOW THAT'S A BLOG OF A DIFFERENT POST...LOL. Being a business owner is not an easy task, which is why most people choose to work for someone else - AND JUST SHOW UP! But, if you ever get the guts to become one of the few, the proud, the entrepreneur - I MUST WARN YOU: "Once you go Business Owner - you'll never go back!" ...AND THAT'S THE WAY I SEE IT... But Who knows - Maybe it's just me!

Please Tune In to the show on: THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2009 @ 5:30 PM CT. We will talk "LIVE" to Entrepreneur: MICHAEL CASTILLE - one of the Masterminds behind The DIVINE9ONLINE.COM and The Labor Day Greek Fest. He will sit on the “cyber-couch” and tell us all about it.

THE b.r.burns SHOW"
Everybody Has Issues!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009
5:30 p.m. CT


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